We pride ourselves in creating over 110 flavors + counting so we can meet all your client / customers needs for variety + for meal replacement nutrition powder to actually taste good so they will keep consuming them and stick to the plan you have them on!
- Paleo egg white blend
- NO chalky taste
- NO gasiness
- NO food allergens
- MADE with wholesome ingredients from Amish country
- MADE with clean yummy flavors loved by kids as young as age 3 up to 80 year olds and all ages in between –
- So if you have a customer with a picky youngster or elder….this is the secret weapon to them getting good protein nutrition in!
- Formula 15 protein has a retail price of $69.90-82.90 for 20 servings.
- Sale price can be from $45.90-62.90
- Can choose from up to 75 flavors – can email us the QTY of bags per flavor you would like each month for your orders – email: to give or change shake flavors.
- Choose flavors here:
- Send a message to – with flavor choices + QTY of each.