The Amp Up Sports Influencer Program
If you’re interested in growing your personal brand in the health & fitness industry, helping others, and making an extra $100-1,000 a month or more, then we have an opportunity for you!
Transform your social media into a valuable resource that will generate more income for you...
How? Simply by teaching you the most effective ways to help people get results.
Through our Amp Up Sports Influencer Program, you can now become part of our team and boost your income by influencing your friends, family + fanbase about the premium quality Amp Up Sports Nutrition products.
We have a broad range of high quality products your fans are already looking for, so all you need to do is show & tell others what you do to live such an inspiring lifestyle using the Amp Up Sports programs and products.
Not only will you gain full access to our customized product line, you will also get:
Access to our Inc. 500 – Fastest Growing Food + Beverage Co. level Marketing Team
For years now, our marketing team has gradually grown our customer base from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands. As an Amp Up Sports influencer, you will be a part of our team and you will get access to their help and guidance. They will teach you the skills they have used to help others achieve amazing results + how to coach clients and fans with specific food sensitivity needs. We believe that with one of the world’s best marketing teams behind you, you’re headed to the Top!
Years of Industry Experience
Over the years, we have tried a vast variety of sales & marketing strategies. We feel we now have the easiest + simplest marketing system available. By joining our influencer team, you too will get access to this valuable wealth of knowledge and dedicated support from professionals that will boost your chances of success and growth in the health & fitness industry.
Social Media Tips from the Marketing Masters
Today, social media marketing is where everyone is at. By using the emerging trends in the fitness and wellness field, our marketing experts have been able to build experience with specialized techniques that create very impressive results. You will receive social media tips from the co-founders themselves on ways to increase your engagement and boost your top-line revenue.
Easy and Fun Way to Earn an Additional Income … $100 or up to $1,000+
Well, we can all use some extra cash for savings or to help with the high cost of living. Our Amp Up Sports influencer program allows you to get paid for doing what you you already do….workout, eat healthy and post results on your social media accounts. You get to experience & share your results with the Amp Up Sports Nutrition products that thousands of your followers and clients are already interested in.
Apply to join the program today and enjoy our generous influencer/promo rep referral payments.
And the Best Part About It All?
The only thing you’ll need to do to be successful with this program is continue having the conversations you are already having with your clients and fans and helping them get the best results from their program. We’ll help you take care of the rest by showing you how to have more valuable interactions.
Get personal coaching from social media experts to help you build your personal brand in the fitness industry. We make sure you have all the tools and education you need to succeed, including 24/7 access to direct training and support.
With payouts up to 20% … and lifetime customers, no other program out there even comes close to what you can do . Excelling with us will lead to limitless growth and income potential within the fitness industry. You earn additional income just from doing what you already do ... help other people get results!
By being a part of our Inner Circle, you’ll have an even better opportunity for us to get to know you and to showcase who you are and why you deserve to become an endorsed Amp Up Sports Athlete.
Represent Amp Up with confidence, knowing that every customer of yours is getting the absolute best quality products and is being handled by fitness pro's. It is our goal to get your fans & customers amazing results!
What Else Does Being an Amp Up Sports Influencer Give You?
This is not just another affiliate program. The Amp Influencer Program is a community of like-minded people that have the goal of helping as many people as possible get the best results possible. We don’t just send you some graphics and tell you good luck. We will teach you everything you need to know about nutrition, training, and supplementation to become a valuable resource to people around you and online.
You will be the go-to person when someone is looking for help. 8 of our previous Athlete Search Winners started as Legionnaires. By being a part of our inner circle, you’ll have an even better opportunity to showcase who you are and why you deserve to become a 1st Phorm Elite Athlete.
All of the Amp Up Sports sponsored athletes & pageant competitors are clients first. Being a client first allows you to feel what it is we do so well for high-performance pro’s – then it allows you to give to others what we gave to you!
The list goes on …
- Early access to
- Access to exclusive Amp Up gear
- Ability to earn free products monthly
- The inside scoop and early access to new products and flavors
- Photo and video shoots with our professional media team
Meet Some of our Amp Up Sports Influencers